Copyright © Himal Vision: Christoph Seiffert, Switzerland
Since we just started to establish this organisation, which supports several different project branches, we have no control system yet.
“I met Tenjen many times since 1998, he always had the wish to help people in need. I was very impressed in 2008 when I saw how much he and his wife Nyima did to give orphans and poor children a home.
In 2009 I agreed to build this web site for their project. Therefore we travelled to remote places in Ganesh Himal in Nepal’s mountain area Rasuwa.
My main concern was to find out wether I could trust Tenjen as much as to recommend this organisation for financial support to others.
Obviously, as you see this site, I trust him and his wife in full degree. They will use any donated money in the proper way.
We had a lot of discussions on how we can make this project open to control. Unluckily there is no proper way to control honesty. We are aware that many so called “Helping Projects” are established for private benefit reasons. We are not able to proof the opposite yet!
Right now all donated money is sent straight to the bank account of the “Himalayan Orphane and Helpless Children Education Project Nepal”
The account is controlled by Tenjen. He tries to make a proper counting book on income and expenses for all sponsorships and donations. This is a difficult thing for him to handle properly since he never attended a school, but he is aware of the importance of accounting and does his best.
Whenever I spend time in Kathmandu I check these books. In the begin it was quiet chaotic, but Tenjen improves year by year.
Sponsors of specific children are warmly welcome to get in touch with the child by
letters, e-
For the moment there is no other control of the project.