Helping Himalayan Society

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Copyright © Himal Vision: Christoph Seiffert, Switzerland

Terms & Conditions >>

Frequently Asked Questions

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1. What’s a Sponsorship?

Child sponsorship is a long-term commitment. The effects are sustaining and long lasting!

A sponsor is the full financial supporter of a particular child, concerning it’s need for:

- Care

- Alimentation

- Clothing

- Accommodation

- Total school costs

- Eventually vocational training

A sponsor supports a child during the time of its education.

Communication between sponsor and the supported child is possible via letter (email & telephone depending on availability). It is possible to visit the child. If the child cannot read & write yet, a “Himalayan Orphan and Helpless Children Education Project Nepal” (H.O.H.C.E.P.N.) staff will help the child to write or write on behalf of it.

Once started the personal contact and relationship will often last beyond the time of sponsoring.

When ever requested Himal Vision provides the sponsor with updates  concerning the supported child.

(Please note that replies from the people behind Himal Vision can take longer due to our work as guides or tour-leaders in remote areas without Internet/Postal connections. Thank you!).

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2. How long should a Sponsorship last?

A Sponsorship will last as long as you decide.

If you stop a sponsorship you have no obligations to meet at all. But please keep us informed.

(In case a group of people is acting as a sponsor, please make sure that the sponsored child is not left without support when the group brakes apart.)

Please never leave a child without further support! Ask friends and/or relatives to share or to take over (transfer) a sponsorship instead.

If you change, transfer or stop the sponsorship please let us know (if possible at least 6 month ahead) by email, letter or by using the form “Contact Us >>”.

So that we have time to find a new solution in order to continue the support of the child without interruption.

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3. How much does a Sponsorship cost?

The annual costs differ from child to child and are listed here: “Sponsor Me >>”.

Due to the difference in age, type of school and level of class the costs per year vary between the different children. Other expenses such as care, food, accommodation etc. may also be  different due to the children’s placements.

As a child grows older it might be able to visit a secondary school which will request higher fees. In this case the sponsor may be asked (by the child and/or Himal Vision) to increase the payment for the child. The sponsor is free to decide wether he wants to do so.

In this case the options for the sponsor could be:

- Increasing the payment

- Continuing to pay the same amount as before

- Change, transfer or stop the sponsorship  

The same applies for requests on a child’s vocational training.

Please never leave a child without further support! Ask friends and/or relatives to share or to take over (transfer) a sponsorship instead.

Please inform Himal Vision about any changes to your sponsorship (if possible at least 6 month ahead) by email, letter or by using the form “Contact Us >>”.

So that we have time to find a new solution in order to continue the support of the child without interruption.

(Please note that replies from the people behind Himal Vision can take longer due to our work as guides or tour-leaders in remote areas without Internet/Postal connections. Thank you!).

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4. What means having a Sponsor as a child?

The joy of a child in need finding out it is sponsored is beyond words. Being blessed with a sponsor opens the door out of poverty into a brighter future.

To know that someone is caring means more than we would ever imagine. Having a sponsor is  the beginning of a new deep relationship, which will grow stronger over the years.

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5. How to become a Child’s Sponsor?

1. Please make sure that you have fully understood what a sponsorship implies. You take over responsibility for the future of a particular child! For further questions and information please visit the site “Contact Us >>”.

Send us a message by using the form by letter.

2. Select the child/children you want to sponsor by visiting the site “Sponsor Me >>”.

Note the child’s/children’s name and the associated number. Alternatively you can allow Himal Vision to select a child to be sponsored by you.

3. Now please visit the site “Contact Us >>”.

Send us your sponsorship announcement by using the form or via letter.

For your Child Sponsorship please make sure that your message/letter includes:

- The Child’s name

- The Child’s associated number (to avoid misunderstandings)

- Or wether you alternatively want to allow Himal Vision to select a child to be sponsored by you (Girl or Boy?)

4. Himal Vision will then send you a reply to provide further details concerning your payment and a photo of the selected child. (Please note that sometimes replies from Himal Vision can take longer due to our work as guides or tour leaders in remote areas without Internet/Postal connections. Thank you!)

5. If in the meantime the child you selected has already found a sponsor you will be notified by Himal Vision as soon as possible. Please select a different child or allow Himal Vision to make the selection for you.

6. Authorise your payment to the “Himalayan Orphan and Helpless Children Education Project Nepal” (H.O.H.C.E.P.N.) bank account.

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6. Sponsoring the Elderly Community in Parphing:

The “Elderly Community in Parphing >>” primarily needs support for medical care. Himal Vision tries to build up a reserve for future emergency cases.

If you wish to continuously support the elderly community’s medical care in Parphing:

1. Please visit the site “Contact Us >>”.

2. Send us your sponsorship announcement by using the form or by letter.

For your Elderly Community Sponsorship please make sure that your message/letter includes:

- Elderly Community Sponsorship

- The number of years of sponsorship

- The amount of money to be decided

2. Make your payment to the “Himalayan Orphan and Helpless Children Education Project Nepal” (H.O.H.C.E.P.N.) bank account now or wait until Himal Vision sends you a reply to provide further details on your payment to the elderly community.

(Please note that replies from the people behind Himal Vision can take longer due to our work as guides or tour leaders in remote areas without Internet/Postal connections. Thank you!)

3. Authorise your payment to the “Himalayan Orphan and Helpless Children Education Project Nepal” (H.O.H.C.E.P.N.) bank account.

On request Himal Vision provides the sponsor with updates on the elderly community.

(Please note that replies from the people behind Himal Vision sometimes take longer due to our work as guides or tour leaders in remote areas without Internet/Postal connections. Thank you!).

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7. Payment:

In order to reduce money transfer fees it’s best to pay sponsorships on a yearly basis.

For exact and reliable processing your “Child Sponsorship” the money transfer form must include:

- the Child’s name

- the Child’s associated number (to avoid misunderstandings)

- the actual year of sponsorship

For defined processing your “Elderly Community Sponsorship” the money transfer form must include:

- “Elderly Community Sponsorship”

- the actual year of sponsorship

Your sponsorship contributions are not given directly to the child or the elderly community but are being paid to the “Himalayan Orphan and Helpless Children Education Project Nepal” (H.O.H.C.E.P.N.) bank account instead.

Tenjen Tamang, founder of the “Himalayan Orphan and Helpless Children Education Project Nepal” (H.O.H.C.E.P.N.) puts forward all the payments on behalf of the supported child and the elderly community. He is in charge of the accounts and provides bookkeeping on income and expenses.

The accounts are regularly checked by the web site administrator Christoph Seiffert.

(See: “Control System >>”)

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8. How to make a Donation:

Although we are primarily searching for long-term sponsors, Himal Vision will always be depending on one-(or more)time donations.

Single-Donations are used to first of all help the poorest ones supported by Himal Vision and for emergency cases.

Also Himal Vision will use remaining amounts to reach the goals of our future visions.

(See: “Visions >>”)

At the moment the decisions on how to dedicate the donations are being taken by Tenjen, Nyima and Christoph.

(See: “People Behind >>”)

In the future, our growing society of helpers will provide more selected members to be responsible for the decisions on how the money will be used.

1. To make a donation please visit the page “Contact Us >>”.

2. Authorise your payment to the “Himalayan Orphan and Helpless Children Education Project Nepal” (H.O.H.C.E.P.N.) bank account.

For exact an reliable processing your “Donation” the money transfer form must include:

- “Donation”

3. Sending a message is highly appreciated but up to you. Please send us your message by using the form or by letter.

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On behalf of all people supported by Himal Vision:

“A big thank you to all the people who have read this site and to all the sponsors, donators, supporters and those to-be!”

The “Himalayan Orphan and Helpless Children Education Project Nepal” (H.O.H.C.E.P.N.)

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Shortcuts to the main answers:

1. What’s a Sponsorship?

2. How long should a Sponsorship last?

3. How much does a Sponsorship cost?

4. What does it mean for a child?

5. How to become a Child’s Sponsor?

6. Sponsoring the Elderly Community?

7. Payment?

8. How to make a Donation?